
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hate your facial moles? Don't be!

Because the facial mole that you hate is actually consider as beauty spot! In fact, I believe a beauty spot can actually style up your look just as makeup do. I have two relatively stand out moles on my face, one it by the side of my forehead and the other is on my cheek. I used to hate them so much that I always cover them with concealer and another big reason is in Chinese culture, any moles on the face consider as bad and will bring bad luck. However, after seeing some of the most beautiful women such as Cindy Crawford, Marilyn Monroe, Natalie Portman, etc. who are known for their beauty spots. I decided to show them off and play around with my look by having a beauty spot. 

Brought to you a back to school look with a beauty spot. This will be the last photoshoot taken with my brother's camera as I bought my very first DSLR camera which I am thrilled to share it with you guys on my next post. Stay tune!

As see here, I totally fail to show off my beauty spot BOO!
 What I am wearing:
Sweater, leggings and tuque - H&M
Mini skirt - unknown
Shoes - DIY with a pair of pretend-to-be TOM that I bought for $10 from Rite-Aid

My DIY pretend-to-be TOM

Hope you like my new look! I will see you all next time! 

Thank you thank you thank you all for the comments!

xoxo <3



  1. I don't have any moles on my face but I get so many freckles that my face looks dirty in the summer if I forget to put on enough sunscreen. While I like freckles, it gets to be a bit much. :)

    I like your look and I can't wait to see what you can do with your new camera!

  2. love our creativity Ang! :) the flowers on the shoes are so pretty! I like the autumnal colors of this outfit and especially your cute beanie with ears! so excited to see pictures taken with your new cam!!

  3. I love your look. That HAT <3
    I have only one tiny facial mole next to my nose :<

    xxx Lara

  4. Oh yeah, moles are considered sexy, it's important to feel comfortable with them! Lovely look, reminds me of back to school!

  5. Ohhh, the shoes are absolutely gorgeous, very creative. Have an amazing weekend!

  6. awn so cool, great make up dear, love the burgundy shade aw :)

  7. Correct! Your beauty spot makes you stand out more, girl! :)
    And those colors you mix them with make you astounding! :)
    So in season! Woot! :)


  8. Love the feminine DIY shoes! It's always fun to embellish shoes. /Madison

  9. I don't have moles on my face but they look cute. My sis has. Love your look!

  10. i love your skirt and the DIY toms, great look

  11. wow your style is great i really like it! your blog is nice! Maybe we follow each other ?! Let me know :) Greetings

  12. You're so cute Ang! I love the way you style each outfit. xxx

  13. my my you are so adorable -- love the flower shoes!


  14. I agree you should be proud and show off your beauty marks! I love you cute little plaid look! The shoes you created are so perfect with the look!


  15. The DIY shoes are so cute~~ I never noticed that you have a beauty spot :P I can't wait to see the post on your new dslr. I am in the market for one too and all the technical terms are making me very very confused.


  16. The shoes are just AWESOME!

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